With more than 2.1 million LinkedIn user groups, finding the right one for networking in your profession and in your city may be as difficult as Finding Dory.
42% of site users consider participating in LinkedIn user group discussions helpful. 200 conversations happen each minute in user groups, even as we sleep. So the evidence is overwhelming. This is where business networking is taking place on planet Earth. To leverage the benefits of joining groups, you need to hone in on the specific groups that are relevant to your profession and your specific niche. You need to find groups that are active on a daily basis and that are well managed. The LinkedIn user groups you ultimately choose should have a solid reputation, especially among industry leaders in your area. Here’s how to find them:
- “Discover” the Lowest Hanging Fruit
Developing your profile was time-consuming work. Here’s an opportunity to put LinkedIn to work for you now that you’ve provided your profile information, formed some network connections, and listed your skills and expertise. In the top navigation bar, under “Interests,” click on “Groups,” and then “Discover.” The output here is akin to having a digital assistant working to find you the most relevant groups. The list may be long, but you will find highly relevant groups with high member counts. Take the public transportation to work one day and get familiar with your personalized list.
- “Search” and You Will Find
To the right of the top search bar, click on “Advanced.” In the left column, click on “Groups”, and the top search bar will now allow you to search. Use keywords that match your profession, niche, location, industry, and other interests within your field. You can also search for alumni groups. To find groups in your area of interest and in your geographic area, use the Boolean search operator “AND” between your criteria. For example, type in “Accounting AND Dallas” for a list of local, relevant groups.
- Hunt like a Guerilla
A gorilla doesn’t rattle every tree in the jungle for fruit. Just as he uses a sophisticated sense of scent to locate bananas, you can hunt for relevant groups on LinkedIn using this guerilla technique: Look at your own network and find the highest ranking and most influential people in your industry and geographic area and join their groups. Know someone who seems to have no trouble at all finding work in your field? See what groups she belongs to and join her there. This tactic is really so simple, a monkey could do it.
Are there any LinkedIn user groups you would recommend to local DFW peers in your field. Share them with our community on Facebook!