LinkedIn: Double the Power of Your Profile in Two Days

December 8, 2015
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group of employees with hire me signs


By the 5th day before New Year’s, your LinkedIn goal should be
Five connection requests
Four optimized keywords
Three skill endorsements
Two ringing recommendations
And a head shot that says “Hire Me”!

In 2016, LinkedIn will make or break many job searches. The world’s most powerful business networking resource is becoming increasingly important, yet increasingly complex.

How can you be sure this resource is working for you and not against you? In today’s post, we simplify the steps for enhancing your profile and reputation, enabling you to double the power of your LinkedIn presence in just two days.

Day 1: Your Profile

  1. Update your Head Shot. Be seen in a professional light by using a recent photo with a clean background, a clear view of your eyes, and of course, a winning smile. Update your head shot once a year.
  2. Write an Irresistible Headline. These are the most important 120 characters in your profile. Maximize them to appeal to your target audience and entice connections to click on your profile to learn more about you.
  3. Back it up with a Captivating Summary. What is it that previous employers value about your approach, your values, and your personality? Help employers envision what these qualities would add to their teams.
  4. Finish with a Call to Action. The right person has read your profile and loves what she sees. What should she do—visit your online portfolio, view your personal website, or call you to learn more about your services?

Day 2: Your Reputation

  1. Join at least 15 LinkedIn Groups that you can contribute to and use to enhance your reputation. There are now nearly 2 million groups representing professional associations, causes, and issues. Many have active daily dialogues that you can contribute to and enhance your reputation among industry peers. Getting involved can also improve your relevance with prospective employers. Even more important, you will now have a new avenue to find influential people to connect with you.
  2. Your previous colleagues have a chance to communicate to your future employers by showing that they valued your specific skills and expertise. Providing endorsements is as simple as clicking on skills. While you want to help your contacts, too, be sure not to approach someone with a request for a reciprocal endorsement.
  3. Connect with your references offline and ask for a Recommendation. Be sure to check the profiles of your references to be sure they will be seen as credible and trustworthy by future employers. An unimpressive reference will reflect poorly on you.
  4. Share a relevant Status Update. Now that you have expanded your network and people are listening, tell them what you’re doing with a weekly update about new projects you’re working on, or information you think will help others in your network.

Check your profile against these recommendations to see where you fall short. Even if you need improvements in each of the suggested areas, these eight steps can be accomplished in just two days—but the results will leave a lasting impression of your job candidacy.


By: Alan Margulis